QLUPOD AG Digitisation in the health sector part of EU strategy

Posted on December 16, 2022 by QluPod AG
Herisau, Switzerland QluPod AG (www.qlupod.com)
QLUPOD AG Digitisation in the health sector part of EU strategy
Good news for and from QluPod AG. At the end of November, the EU published an article on the EU Global Health Strategy: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/de/ip_22_7153 we quote from it: “It identifies three basic requirements for better health, namely digitalisation, research and a skilled workforce, and identifies concrete actions to make progress on this at a global level”.
The EU’s recognition of the importance of digitisation, and its intention to actively promote it in the coming years, is very good news. This is clearly a key element of our strategy in developing further technologies to record and share important health data, and to implement world-class telehealth solutions.
In the future, telemedicine will play a crucial role in monitoring health, relieving the burden on general practitioners and reducing routine examinations.
The QluPod, at least one step ahead.
We are already at the stage where our digital health monitoring device, in combination with our software, has the ability to deliver the corresponding data. The final testing phase is currently underway before we start mass production in the first quarter of 2023 and initially supply the market in the DACH region.
About QluPod AG:
QluPod is a HealthTech start-up company founded to capitalise on the growing demand from consumers and clinics for innovative and user-friendly wearable devices and supporting software for telemedicine.
QluPod is a wearable health monitoring device with 6 vital signs that records ECG, blood glucose, blood pressure, blood oxygen, heart rate and body temperature.
The data from the QluPod is sent in real time via the app from your iOS® or Android® phone to your caregiver, doctor or other responsible person anywhere in the world.
Contact: QLUPOD AG
Bahnhofstrasse 23
9100 Herisau AR – Switzerland
Tel.: +41 (0)71 510 05 45
Mail: ir@qlupod.com